#include <cdb_driver_symbol.h>
Data Fields | |
int(* | bv_bind_by_pos )(Tptr, int, tvartype, Tptr) |
Bind variable by position. | |
char(* | bv_finished )(Tptr) |
int(* | bv_get_count )(Tptr) |
char(* | bv_get_filled )(Tptr, int) |
int(* | bv_get_pos_by_name )(Tptr, const Mchar *, int *, int *) |
Examine positions of named variables. | |
int(* | bv_set_unfilled )(Tptr) |
void(* | close_query )(Tptr) |
Terminate rowset, abort query, . | |
Tptr(* | connect )(const Mchar *) |
Create new database connection to specified source. | |
int(* | count_cols )(Tptr) |
Function to count cols in rowset. | |
int(* | count_rows )(Tptr) |
Function to count rows in rowset. | |
void(* | disconnect )(Tptr) |
Terminate applied connection instance. | |
const Mchar *(* | error )(Tptr) |
Retrieve error message from connection instance. | |
int(* | exec_query )(Tptr, Tptr *, const Mchar *) |
Exec query to database. | |
int(* | getcdbopts )(void) |
Retrieve the options that the driver offers to CDB api. | |
int(* | open_query )(Tptr, Tptr *, const Mchar *) |
Open query to database. | |
int(* | process )(Tptr) |
int(* | read_date )(Tptr, int, int, int *, int *, int *) |
Read date value from rowset. | |
int(* | read_datetime )(Tptr, int, int, int *, int *, int *, int *, int *, int *) |
Read datetime value from rowset. | |
int(* | read_double )(Tptr, int, int, double *) |
Read double value from rowset. | |
int(* | read_integer )(Tptr, int, int, int *) |
Read integer value from rowset. | |
int(* | read_isnull )(Tptr, int, int) |
Read NULL value from rowset. | |
int(* | read_long_integer )(Tptr, int, int, int64_t *) |
Read long integer (int64_t) value from rowset. | |
const Mchar *(* | read_string )(Tptr, int, int) |
Read double value from rowset. | |
int(* | read_time )(Tptr, int, int, int *, int *, int *) |
Read time value from rowset. | |
int(* | search_col )(Tptr, const Mchar *) |
Search for index of column by name. | |
void(* | setopt )(Tptr, int) |
Set options for special driver operations like debug or specific error handling. | |
const Mchar *(* | sqlerr )(Tptr) |
Retrieve errors from sql processor, client library or generated messages from CDB api corresponding to the query/rowset. | |
int(* | status )(Tptr) |
Retrieve status of connection. | |
const Mchar * | version |
This structure defines the main interface between api (CDB classes) and driver. Implement functions defined in this structure to build your own driver.
It's really easy!
Bind variable by position.
Examine positions of named variables.
Terminate rowset, abort query, . .. do anything I have forgotten to implement in the otherfunctions clean up all recources thats allocated by query or it implementations
Create new database connection to specified source.
Function to count cols in rowset.
Function to count rows in rowset.
Terminate applied connection instance.
Retrieve error message from connection instance.
Exec query to database. Opens a database query without returning some rows.
Retrieve the options that the driver offers to CDB api.
Open query to database. Opens a database query with returning some rows.
Read date value from rowset.
Read datetime value from rowset.
Read double value from rowset.
Read integer value from rowset.
Read NULL value from rowset.
Read long integer (int64_t) value from rowset.
Read double value from rowset.
Read time value from rowset.
Search for index of column by name.
Set options for special driver operations like debug or specific error handling.
Retrieve errors from sql processor, client library or generated messages from CDB api corresponding to the query/rowset.
Retrieve status of connection.